so I did something almost similar to the requested design but i added a small touch, an engagement ring on one of the cuppies.
This is the sms that I received from Syidi yesterday,( 3 days after that special day )
"cupcake yg akak wat tu lawa btol.Yg best tu ade cincin tu. Thanks kak sbb sudi watkan saye nyer cc. sbelah tunang puas hati ngan design"
i thank you too syidi for trusing me with your engagement cuppies and for the opportunity to create something with these two gorgeous colours. i didn't know that grey could make such lovely design , as for the silver, I used silver dregee instead since I couldn't really get the actual silver colour.

"Selamat Bertunang Syidi and Syafinaz" was the wordings requested.
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