I don't recall this phrase" BFF or Best friends forever" ever spoken or uttered during my younger days ( does this mean, I am no longer young ?......:-) ) , we would perhaps write F.R.A.N.C.E on the autograph book or on letters. I bet in these modern IT savvy days, kids no longer write letters, the actual writing and folding the letters into an envelope, licking the back of the envelope, sealed it with aoving kiss S.W.A.L.K. and pasted a stamp on the top right hand corner of the envelope and sent it away. After a few days or weeks , we would eagerly waiting in anticipation for the reply in front of the house , for the Postman to drop by .
Those were the days, nowadays, what come through the mail box are bills, credit card bills and statements, bank reminder letters, supermarket flyers, etc,etc

The first thing that struck my mind when she told me that she wanted the one like the princess cupcake that I made last year and when she gave me the quote that she wanted to be added on the cuppies, i suggested The BFF for I thot that the quote wew a bit too long. ( but later I decided to write them cos I think they mean a lot to these girls )She agreed and asked me to write five names on each cupcake and I started to assume that there are five of them, very close friends,, the F.R.A.N.C.E friends, ( Friendship Remains And Never Can End ). that's when I thot of the five girls holding each others' hands.

Later I drew another one on a piece of paper, when I saw my daughter drawing a picture of herself with her long black hair swept to one side, and I said to her, "Sya, can you draw me five princesses similar to what Mummy drew" I just wanted to see what a six year old's imagination is like, since she's so into Barbie and the Princesses, tinkerbell, etc...perhaps I could use some of her creations on my cupcakes and this is the result:

they are cute, but they are similar to my drawings, maybe next time I will let her draw first.

Sue, Min, Ija, Akmal and Sal are all from the same school, the same MRSM and all five of them are going overseas soon to further thier studies. UK, USA and Rusia are the destinations and I bet they will be keeping in touch with one another, but I don't think they will be sending each other letters, but more to e-mails and facebook or what's the other one...Twitter? Search me!! i have no clue.....
Back in the good old student days, I have a few penpals from Norway and Italy. One of my other hobbies was collecting stamps and by having penpals I managed to collect so many foreign stamps. I continued writing to my Italian penpal until she got married and somehow after a while, the letter has stopped coming and I had lost contact of her. Her name is Panico Ilaria from Vincenza, Italia. It'd be a miracle if, and only if she is reading this and perhaps we could continue from where we left.

As usual, after I had finished decorating my cakes and cuppies, I would ask my kids for their opinion.
"Meer, okay tak?"
How old are they ?he asked me.
good question, I dunno, but Yasmin sounded very young in her e-mail and smses.
What if they are 80? ameer added.
I don't think so and I hope not cos I made it so girly and youthful and colourful. thus wouldn't be suitable for 80 year old grannys, would it?:-))
Phew! the girl who came to collect the cuppies was as young as I had imagined she would be .
the sms that I received from Yasmin after she had met up with her four BFFs:
"Salam K.zue. thanx vry much 4 da lovely scrumptious cute cupckes!:-my frens screamed their heart out, when they saw the princesses, ha ha n vry sayang to eat.
im more thn satisfied kak zue, thanx soo much! :-)
Thank you Yasmin, appreciate the nice comments you sent me via smses. You would be later on be pursuing something which had always been a dream of mine. It was my first choice when asked during the interview, unfortunately it was not on the list of courses offerred and thus I opt for Accountancy instead. That's why I love to write, even though they may not be as good as the other writers but it gives me so much pleasure having been able to express anything and everything here.
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