Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Lost in the 80s.....
You took myself, you took my self-control
I'm living in a parish of my dream
......or so I thot the lyrics was...:-)
Self Control by Laura Branigan which was on the air ( which radio station? I am not sure, one lady and one guy talking about Cameron Highlands, where they have this segment, Back in the 80s )when I started the engine of my car this morning and I was transported back to 1984 ( according to the DJ , the song was famous in that year ) and immediately the images of the place, the people came flashing.
Another famous song in that year which was also my favourite was "when Doves Cry" by Prince.
"don't you just love Prince", Julia Robert in a scene in the bathtub where she was staying with Richard Gere in Pretty Woman.
"Don't you knock?"
"Vivian, I have a proposition for you"
Would you like to be my backup call and I will pay you to be my backup for a week.
You can't afford me
try me
holy &*#@
and she dived into the tub filled with foam
is that a yes?
..okay okay, enough...I could go on and on. I remembered most of the scripts in this movie by heart. This was in the 90s or was it late 80s? this movie had a feel good effect on me, not so much the story line but the songs, the leading casts, it made you came out smiling walking out of the theatre...
Back to When Doves Cry, my roommate, always turned this song on almost everyday, it sounded rather weird at first, if you notice, the intro of this song was rather wierd and unique but after awhile I grew to like it and so it began my like , not love, for Prince with his Purple Rain, Kiss, etc etc.... later on Diamonds and Pearl, the sexy video, Cream, and so on...
Hello Zue! your 'sempoii oblong' carrot cake is still unfinished, your Upin and Ipin cuppies still waiting, the three heart shaped chocolate and vanila cakes are waiting for their turn, not forgetting the Oreo chocolate cheesecake for a 14 year old birthday boy, so get yourself down and start decorating!
gotta go! for those dropping by this morning," Have a beautiful day ahead of you" as I hope mine would, would be engrossed in my deco and oblivious to the world once I have started.
tata, titi, tutu.....
I'm living in a parish of my dream
......or so I thot the lyrics was...:-)
Self Control by Laura Branigan which was on the air ( which radio station? I am not sure, one lady and one guy talking about Cameron Highlands, where they have this segment, Back in the 80s )when I started the engine of my car this morning and I was transported back to 1984 ( according to the DJ , the song was famous in that year ) and immediately the images of the place, the people came flashing.
Another famous song in that year which was also my favourite was "when Doves Cry" by Prince.
"don't you just love Prince", Julia Robert in a scene in the bathtub where she was staying with Richard Gere in Pretty Woman.
"Don't you knock?"
"Vivian, I have a proposition for you"
Would you like to be my backup call and I will pay you to be my backup for a week.
You can't afford me
try me
holy &*#@
and she dived into the tub filled with foam
is that a yes?
..okay okay, enough...I could go on and on. I remembered most of the scripts in this movie by heart. This was in the 90s or was it late 80s? this movie had a feel good effect on me, not so much the story line but the songs, the leading casts, it made you came out smiling walking out of the theatre...
Back to When Doves Cry, my roommate, always turned this song on almost everyday, it sounded rather weird at first, if you notice, the intro of this song was rather wierd and unique but after awhile I grew to like it and so it began my like , not love, for Prince with his Purple Rain, Kiss, etc etc.... later on Diamonds and Pearl, the sexy video, Cream, and so on...
Hello Zue! your 'sempoii oblong' carrot cake is still unfinished, your Upin and Ipin cuppies still waiting, the three heart shaped chocolate and vanila cakes are waiting for their turn, not forgetting the Oreo chocolate cheesecake for a 14 year old birthday boy, so get yourself down and start decorating!
gotta go! for those dropping by this morning," Have a beautiful day ahead of you" as I hope mine would, would be engrossed in my deco and oblivious to the world once I have started.
tata, titi, tutu.....
Monday, June 28, 2010
just engaged....
Love Bites

Year: 1988
Def Leppard Concert

Year: 1987
Whitesnake Concert

Year: 2010
blueberry cheesetart, 9 inches and more than 1 kg in weight.
What's the significant between the two rock group concert tickets and blueberry cheesecake?
nothing , just something i did before and something i am doing now:-)
BTW, the title Love Bites has nothing to do with the entry, just filling up the empty 'Title' column :-)

Joe Elliot from Def Leppard singing "Love Bites", layan the old Def Leppard songs on Youtube while packing these cheesecakes.Love most of their songs from Hysteria to Pour SOme Sugar On Me, Photograph, Animal, Armageddon, and many many more. They are known for their one arm drummer and their concert was superb!
In the Still of the night,Fool For Your Loving, Here i go Again, Is This Love, love most of Whitesnake songs, David Coverdale has such sexy voice , that was my opinion then, is he still sexy now, I don't know. Those were the days, young blood, you like everything that moves and sounds sexy...blame it on the hormone...just kidding..
Thanx Ina for trying out these two cheesecakes.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Simple deco choc cuppies

her testimonial via sms:
"sedap la kak zu .deco kak zu tu cantik la nak mkn pun sayang. cupcakes qasa dia memang ok sebab qasa pahit2 coklat dan creamer tak berapa manis.memang ok lah...."
tank you nana for the positive comment and for your willingness to try out my cakes and cupcakes.
blueberry cheesetarts

Alhamdulillah, they turned out fine, looked not so good ( it made me wonder whether was my oven temperature correct, did I mix the dough as it should be and whether the filling was beaten adequately or was it overmixed, ) but all that didn't matter because they tasted as I think what blueberry cheesetarts would taste like, with the crumbly tart shell and creamy fillings and the sourness of the blueberries fillings, what a perfect combination. One bite was never enough. The comments and feedbacks that I received from my friends were positive. they all liked it. Orders started coming, for those who had tasted it, would make repeat orders and so the story goes.
This order was from the same lady who ordered plain bake cheesecake just the week before. Thank you Aisha and Mizi, hope you and the kids like these blueberry cheesetarts.
I had a few extras from this set and another lady who wanted me to keep her informed if there were any extras from my order because she and her daughter both loves cakes and so she took some. This was the sms that I received from her:
"Sedap la kak zu blueberry tart tu "
Thank you Nana for the 'berry' sweet compliment.
Nana ordered my choc chip cookies just last week and she also ordered another jar of the chocolate chip cookies because her hubby likes it so much.
Someone said to me, " I am sure you are very happy knowing that people like what you did, they appreciate what you are doing".
Yes, she couldn't be more right, I am happy , glad, pleased, knowing that someone out there is enjoying my chocolate chip cookies ( one bite after another, hands reaching into the jar while still biting on the first one ) while watching TV or watching the FIFA world Cup, or they are indulging in my creamy oreo chocolate cheesecake with their family and friends, or they may be blowing birthday candles on my chocolate cake or brownies, or they may be admiring and praising my teddy bear, dinasour, or birds cupcakes with flowers, birds and bees, or cutting into the two or three tiered wedding cakes, or putting or arranging the nicely decorated cakes and cupcakes on the ' hantaran' trays , all these just give me the greatest satisfaction. this feeling is far greater than getting a thank you for a report done and presented in a management meeting.
I guess , this is ( part of ) what makes me happy,and thank you, thank you again for those who have made me very happy for I can never thank them enough.Merci beaucoup.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Spaghetti ala dome with meatballs

This spaghetti was for dinner last night. Didn't know what to cook either when my son suggested that I made this "spaghetti ala dome" .That could be arranged except that I didn't have enough ingredients for it, so I made do with what's in the freezer instead

spaghetti- boil first
First, heat olive oil,
fry some ( I prefer , a lot ) of crushed garlic,
add in chicken, prawns, squids, fish fillet ( but since last night I only had prawns, and I substituted with meatballs to make up for the other missing ingredients)mind you my son wouldn't mind a bit because he loved meatballs.
then, add in salt and a bit of sugar to taste.
when they are cooked,
add in coarse black pepper,
parsley ( I used dried parsley in a bottle ),
chilli flakes ( just like the one you get from Domino Pizza)
mix everything well,
mix everything well,
throw in some veggies, if you like, I used diced carrots, and if you like, some green pepper, red chillies for colour( sliced all the veggies )
finally, throw in the spaghetti, mix well

To my kids' father, to my Abah and to all the Abahs and daddys and Walids, and Bapa and Papas all over the world, wherever they are, they might be driving right now, in a meeting, playing golf, in South Africa watching the World Cup Live , in the paddy field, in the mines, teaching, debating in courts, mengajar Al-Quran to the kids in the kampung, whatever it is that they are doing, they are being dads, responsible and dedicated fathers,:- Happy Fathers Day, Selamat Hari Bapa. I know that my wish is later than it should be but I guess the date didn't really matter much, everyday should be Fathers day just like everyday should be mothers day.They should be cared for, remembered and treated very special , every day, every hour and every second of their breathing lives. Treat them well, care for them, make them happy, when they are still around.If they are not with you, not by your side, not in the same house with you, pray for them, pray for their safety, pray for their health and happiness, pray for their wellbeings. Love you Abah!
and on behalf of my kids, we all love you very much dear, thank you for being the greatest , the bestest, the everything to us, Abah...muah muahhhh......
Saturday, June 19, 2010
sweet 21 Momo brownies with walnut

simple simple only meh.....

same like the one she had ordered before. hmmmm.....Aunty meh?uuuhhhh..... feel soo old....hey I am old! but young at heart:).....susah betullah bila ditimpa perasaan ni......:-)
okay dear and thank you dear Gladys. "Wishing Happy 25th birthday to Daphne Goh!"
3Bs, butterfly, bugs and bunga:-)
Choc chip cookies and banana muffin

first this lady ,who is Datin's ( the kids' grandmother ) friend, called me up.
"Zue, her grandchildren loved your cookies and is it possible to order 4 jars for them. how soon can you make them. they would be going to Langkawi for a couple of days and perhaps you can drop these cookies at her house (just leave them with the maid )before they come back from their vacation",
this is what she said to me and added:
"It feels nice , isn't it, knowing that people like what you are making"
yup! the feeling is great
later, it's the kids' mum calling me to order these 4 jars , making sure that I got the order, just in case her mum had forgotten to make the order because they would be leaving for KL after returning from Langkawi and wanted to bring these cookies back with them.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010
endless Summer Nights

All at once I looked and you were gone,
And now you are looking back at me,
searching for a way that we can be
like we were before.......
Richard Marx
Why am I writing this song, cos I used to like this song and its singer, and because this lady who ordered this brownies would be in a place where I found my true &*$%@.........., when I am writing this,
She ordered this brownies with walnut on the day my son went over to her house, to do some 'film' project with her son and her other son's friend who was also my son's friend. the three of them, the boys, went to the same primary school but now they go to three different secondary schools, but with internet, facebook and mobile phones, they remain connected.

so she ordered this at 10 am , on the day she was going to pick up her son who was having a sleepover at my house. This time, the three boys were shooting their 'film' over at my house. tak tahulah filem apa yang budak2 ni buat.....just want them to have some fun this school holidays. she was supposed to pick this brownies up at 2 pm but she showed up at 12 noon, and fortunately it was ready, still a bit warm from the oven though. The second order was for her relative who would be looking after her son while she would be away , accompanying her husband on a business trip. hope she would be having a great time there......
.teringin nya nak pergi ke sana semula, miss that place so much, its fish and chips, its Kohi Noor beriani, its strawberries and cherries plucked fresh from the tree , its beautiful flowers and parks in Spring, long hot Summer ( don't miss this much ), dried yellow leaves falling in Autumn, white snow and icy cold weather with cardigans, scarves and gloves in winter.......the underground tube, "Mind the gap", the double decker red bus, the fresh wet market in Romford,the theatres in the West End, friendly pigeons in Trafalgar Square, the beautiful rows of shops and boutiques along St. Christophers Place, Sloane Square, Covent Garden, Harrods, Selfridges, Sainsbury's, 44, Bryanston Square, Bond Street, Oxford Street, sweet memories still lingering fresh in my mind .......................
pour some sugar on me
in the name of love,
i'm hot, stick and sweet,
from my head to my feet, yeah......
12th April 1988, Wembley Arena, Def Leppard concert ........rock on.......:-)
has any of you ever run out of anything in the middle of making yor cakes or cookies?
I did, as a matter of fact, I just did, as I am writing this, I am waiting for my other half and kids, to come back with them. I wouldn't normally be running out of this item because, this is used in almost all the recipes, but I had used the last two for my banana muffins this morning and since we planned ( plan but not confirmed yet ......sigh.....) on going somewhere this weekend, I wasn't thinking of repleneshing them for the moment.
however, a phone call this morning requesting for a cheesecake for a friend's birthday for this coming friday which I couldn't refuse but I did ask her to pick it up one day earlier and I continued doing what I was doing then, decorating the engagement cuppies, rolling out fondant for cut out flowers, making a couple of ladybirds, some rolled roses, etc, etc and I had completely forgotten about 'it' until just now, when I was washing the mixing bowl and was going to start making the cheesecake when I realised that I had no eggs!!!!!!
OMG! before this, last week I think, I was in the middle of making the CCC- choc chip cookies when I had run out of the most important ingredients for that cookies, yup...the chocolate chips!Could this be a sign of something? something which relates to certain white hair on you head, certain extra lines under the eyes, or the sudden pain in the knee......okay, okay, out with it, just say the word.....sign of aging!
we are all going there eventually, some do it with grace and style, i know of a lady who is still golfing at the age of 70. My customer's MIL, who celebrated her 70th bday last week and I found that out from her DIL who ordered the oreo chocolate cheesecake from me. Would I still be decorating cakes and cupcakes at that age? would anyone? I don't know......wallahualam......
I guess I'll continue decorating the cuppies first while waiting for the ggs......just sharing some thoughts...wait a minute, /i heard the door, and they are back! gotta go!
I did, as a matter of fact, I just did, as I am writing this, I am waiting for my other half and kids, to come back with them. I wouldn't normally be running out of this item because, this is used in almost all the recipes, but I had used the last two for my banana muffins this morning and since we planned ( plan but not confirmed yet ......sigh.....) on going somewhere this weekend, I wasn't thinking of repleneshing them for the moment.
however, a phone call this morning requesting for a cheesecake for a friend's birthday for this coming friday which I couldn't refuse but I did ask her to pick it up one day earlier and I continued doing what I was doing then, decorating the engagement cuppies, rolling out fondant for cut out flowers, making a couple of ladybirds, some rolled roses, etc, etc and I had completely forgotten about 'it' until just now, when I was washing the mixing bowl and was going to start making the cheesecake when I realised that I had no eggs!!!!!!
OMG! before this, last week I think, I was in the middle of making the CCC- choc chip cookies when I had run out of the most important ingredients for that cookies, yup...the chocolate chips!Could this be a sign of something? something which relates to certain white hair on you head, certain extra lines under the eyes, or the sudden pain in the knee......okay, okay, out with it, just say the word.....sign of aging!
we are all going there eventually, some do it with grace and style, i know of a lady who is still golfing at the age of 70. My customer's MIL, who celebrated her 70th bday last week and I found that out from her DIL who ordered the oreo chocolate cheesecake from me. Would I still be decorating cakes and cupcakes at that age? would anyone? I don't know......wallahualam......
I guess I'll continue decorating the cuppies first while waiting for the ggs......just sharing some thoughts...wait a minute, /i heard the door, and they are back! gotta go!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
CCC, BWW, MCB, CMZ (CekMekZue)...
Friday, June 11, 2010
Kalau hati sudah suka.....

semua indah saja,
itulah tanda kasih akan bermula, di dalam jiwa.....
( Hail Amir and Uji Rahid)
So sweet, so soft, so feminine, just as sweet, as soft and as feminine as the person who has everything to do with these cuppies and cake and cookies too.....
berdebar-debar rasa hati,
menantikan saatnya,
hari yang dijanjikan,
waktu kitakan di satu....
I first got to know her thru email, when she requested me to make chocolate cuppies for her mum's birthday, red, black and white cuppies. and to deliver them at her mum's office.
She then asked if I could make her engagement cake and goodies, and I said, sure why not, insyaAllah..... and as Allah wills it, today I had completed her order when she came to collect them this afternoon.
Not only that I made for engagement do, but I also did for her sister's 'invitation card'wedding cake and pink and white hantaran mini cakes as well.

chooclate moist cake with buttercream roses, again pink and white with silver dregees scattered on the border plus a heart shaped fondant cut out with fondant pink and white roses and blossoms and the wordings SELAMAT BERTUNANG" on the white blossoms.
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