"My hubby is coming back this 25th and we would like to celebrate his birthday too. So what would you recommend?"
For someone new to Zue's Oven, I would recommend my none other than, the one and only , the scrumptious, the yummioreoeycheesilicous........
oreo chocolate cheesecake.

she ordered the " Bunny in a hole" carrot walnut cake earlier , plus the choc and vanilla " Welcome Back ( Kepulangan) " cuppies.
"Zue, can you make it " laut" theme, something related to shipping. "

so, one toy ship ( inspired by Debbie Brown ) coming right up....with, what goes with ship, if not the treasure chest, not filled with gold coins or other jewels but something much more valuable,. something which no amount of money , be it dollar, lire, ruppe, yen, or even the gold dinar ,can buy, L.O.V.E. .....love
Can't buy me love ( song by the Beatles)
A treasure chest filled with colourful hearts symbolising the abundance of love this lady and her three beautiful daughters have for the man in their life.Wanna know something? Actually this lady has two men in her life, ( what? is she having an affair, how could she?)
Let's make this story juicier, this other man lives with her, yup, you heard that from me, he lives there,24/7, be with her all the time except only when she has to go to work. she cooks for him and looks after him with TLC. what more does a man need?
Now, don't get me wrong, she's a nice lady and nice ladies don't go around having affairs, nice ladies are faithful, loyal, caring and doting. Enough about me...hihi...just playing around a bit)
He's the man responsible for bringing her into this world, the man who raised her from just a tiny baby ( were you Yus? ) to who she is now. He is none other than, her father.

yus told me that she didn't get to have any of the hearts I made for the previous order so I am making these especially for yus and her family.
But why these smiley faces...again?
It's just a continuation from her previous cuppies which had 2Ds smileys so this time I made it into 3D except this time they are complete with hair and head gear. Wait a minute, there were only three smileys before, how come there are four? now,just add one cool smiley in sunglasses. four ladies in this man's life, so...four smileys...
They are ready to be put on or beside the oreo choc cheesecake.

It's been fun making these cute thingy..actually I planned something else too, the smileys should be lounging on the beach with palm trees as the background but something came up.
Just want to share my almost frightening experience the other day. I went to pick up my daughter from her kindie and she came out looking gloomy unlike her usual cheerful going home face. I asked her what happened and the teacher came to tell me that she fell while playing, a boy fell on her or something but I noticed blood coming out from under her chin and I asked the teacher what this is all about? she looked surprised and then brought my daughter to the office to put some medicine while the other teacher showed me how it actually happened. I don't want to go into detail into what had happened because I was very upset. the cut under her chin was quite deep which according to the teacher and later, the private clinic's doctor, would require stitches and he recommended me to go the general hospital for he was unable to perform the thing.Stitches...oh no! not on my daughter....
off I went to HSB, emergency clinic, rather panicky but trying to maintain my composure, to drive carefully tho not slowly,thankfully it only required to be glued which according to them would leave lighter scar than stitches would, still, it's a scar.....
Had to wait close to three hours to settle everything, the waiting was horrible. we finally reached home around nine . I am glad that it was just a minor cut , and I am sure even if I were to go and pick her up earlier than usual, or if only I had picked her up first before picking up my eldest daughter from school, if it was fated to happen, it would. I am sure things happen for a reason .
She's a brave girl, my daughter, not even one drop of tears coming out from her, no whining, no crying, not even when the nurse injected her shoulder with a syringe. Mama is so proud of you Batrisyia.
Where was I? Sorry Yus, sidetrack a bit. Thank you for this order and the previous ones too.Wishing the man in your life, the love of your life, a Happy ? birthday . Age is just a number, it's just mind over matter, if you don't mind, it doesn't matter.
would like to share her sms to me:
thnx zue. My husband gave a thumb's up.great job. ni dah makan tinggal setengah kek je. bukan apa ,my hubby ni hard to pls when it comes to cheesecake. ths time, he asked for a second helping!bravo zue!lupa nak sebut pasal deco tu, they're cute n lovely.reminds me of higley town heroes. nice job done there."Zue! come down here! where r u going?
I'm on cloud 9! so happy with the comments.
This is what I'm hoping for whenever they eat my cakes and cheesecakes and cupcakes,the satisfaction, the enjoyment, the pleasure of indulging in these heaven on earth creations.Nothing pleases me more, nothing satisfies me more, nothing makes me happier than receiving these beautiiful, wonderful, sweet and encouraging comments like these.
thanks to you too Yus...