My first marble cheese brownies in a tiny basket for wedding hantaran.

The colour theme: maroon
The cake choice: marble cheese brownies
The event: akad nikah, as a hantaran for the groom to bring back to M'cca
The problem: me & my "keras tangan!" ( not kraf tangan)
Off I went to the wedding accessories shop in town and straight away I was greeted by the ever so friendly sales assistant, so i just told her what i wanted, 'please get me a transparent box ( to show off my lovely creations ), some laces, little flowers, drone..drone........everything in maroon, okay.
Quite frankly i wasn't so sure how maroon might look like, so when she came with all these maroon stuff, i sheepishly asked her, "these are maroon, yes? " If she said yes, then yes it is , after all she's the one who works there and she should know all the colours that is needed. I'm getting all confused after seeing so many shades of red these past few days, bright red ( which didn't turn out bright at all, X'mas red which is nowhere near Santa Claus coat colour,) no taste red, pink, violet,fushcia...

All set for me to start my "keras tangan" project. First, we prepare the basket, wrap nice silver lace around the edges, glued maroon flower and butterflies on both sides and done, now , the box

Just a simple deco, small rosette bouquet on top, make sure it doesn't block the view inside.

and voila! the end result. What do you think of my first project, 100% done by me, an inexperienced wedding hantaran boxes maker.Not bad, huh....insyaAllah with practise, my "keras tangan" will eventually turn into "lembut tangan" and I can proudly call my work, my hasil
kraf tangan.
The balance, cut into bite size, decorated with tiny violet blossom , nicely placed in paper cups in another box

These are the two boxes ready. Wishing both the bride and the groom, "Selamat Pengantin Baru", may your journey as a couple be blessed.
To Zana, thank you for trusting me with this "hantaran" set.