This was quite a last minute order but thankfully I was free, after having completed a few orders the day before, and was I glad that I took this order because I had made someone very happy .
That was the impression I got when she came to collect this set this evening.

"Happy 27th Birthday, Love". That's what she wanted me to write and she chose the colour, red. She left the design to me. What should I make for people in love? Feels good to be in love. We should be in love all the the time, when our eyes first met, when our hearts started pounding when we see one another, when we got married, got our first child, and the second and the next, when grey hair starts showing and wrinkles replacing the smooth lines on your face,...love...love...love....love is in the air....
Siapa pernah jatuh cinta,
pada pandangan yang pertama,
apakah memang sama dengan ku punya cinta,
yang kini kualami sendiri..(the song by Suhaili Shamsudin , when I was in my primary school back in the 70s)
I felt young again, ( but my aching body is saying otherwise :-), but no aching body will stop me from doing what I am passionate in... )trying to figure out what to design for Mira. Teddies, of course, still in season and very popular choice among them. Who wouldn't want the teddies, they are ever so cute and adorable.

yet again, my box of present contained a piece of chocolate and this time it was covered with red and white fondant.
Mira came around five all the way from Perlis to collect this set for her loved one's birthday which was yesterday.
Wishing Yen, Happy Belated 27th birthday" and thank you Mira and I am so glad that you are happy with the cupcakes.
just want to share Mira's reply to my sms this morning:
"seriously he n his family loved the cuppies, everyone rasa cm syg nk makan, siap his sisters dk posing2 lg. Mmg really worth g amik kt a.staq"
How sweet Mira. I am so glad that everyone likes the cuppies and they are worthy of your trip all the way from Perlis to Taman Stadium ,Alor Staq. Thanx again dear.