vanila cupcakes, brownies, chocolate cupcakes and marble cheese brownies

my daughter said, this looked like a mini garden, that's the idea. When it comes to MCB, not much can be decoed with it

Hanis's 'ladybird cupcakes for her BFF friends' birhdays. thank you Hanis

12 chocolate cupcakes for makan-makan and

12 chocolate cupcakes for engagement hantaran set. Fieza's set of light green and white cupcakes for engagement

thank you Fieza.

rainbow cake, for a cake cutting ceremony, before covering it with the Swiss meringue buttercream

thank you CT, bownies with walnut, the "Four Flower' design, in a box with a simple ribbon and the grey and white love bird set for her engagement ceremony.

the rainbow cake, covered with the swiss meringue buttercream, thank you Yana and Selamat Pengantin Baru

the knife set for Yana's cake cutting ceremony, with the theme colour, purple and grey.
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