"Finis and what?" that was what came to mind and said out loudly to my friend. what was that? that was about two months ago. My friend said she wanted to order cakes or cupcakes for her daughter Nina who will be celebrating her 12th birthday on 19th August. the conversation took place on 14th June 2009.
" tu , that cartoon on Astro". Asked my kids and surely they know who these people are. searched or googled in the net and found out that they are Phineas and Ferbs, the triangle head , the former and the rectangle head , the latter, cartoon characters with a sister, Candice was her name,I think and a guy whom she likes who has a little sister who is always trying to make Candice's life miserable.Phineas and Ferbs would always come up with new ideas everyday to make their days interesting.( according to my son )
At any available opportunity i would watch this programme on TV just to be familiar with the characters.Last night was D-day, the day to draw them, not on papers which I had no problem doing, but on cakes, not just any cakes but cupcakes which turned into one big cake and the other on individual cupcakes. I made 25 pcs of chocolate cupcakes with ganache topping and another set of 25 vanilla cupcakes with buttercream. It was really a challenge drawing these cartoon characters. I almost gave up, i was contemplating of re-doing the whole thing! of baking a new set cupcakes and making new buttercream or perhaps I would try to use fondant instead.
My friend gave the picture drawn and coloured by her daughter as a sample to be made on the cakes, wow! She is one talented girl! How can I match with that, to make that on the cakes, not one big cake but on cupcakes. I roughly sketched Phineas, Ferbs and Candice on my sketch book and using these, her picture and my sketch for referral.
Notice the difference between the earlier cake and the finished version. To assemble 25 pcs of cupcakes into one big cake was quite a challenge because I have never done this before. I've seen other bakers did that so I guess, why not? why don't I give it a shot? Me...as usual, redah je....
There's always a first time in everything. With Yus , I did so many" firsts", my first , " bunny in a hole " carrot walnut cake with cream cheese topping, first "love boat with treasure chest", "first basket full of love" for kepulangan cupcakes and now first " assembly of cupcakes into a cake".
here I go I again, rambling on and on. My entry would normally go on and on about my cake, for every cakes and cupcakes has its own stories to tell, the sweet and the sleepy experience associated with them.Sometimes, the frustration, the despair, of thinking that it would not turn out the way i wanted it to be. Like these cupcakes, when I first drew them on the cupcakes, I was very upset of the outcome. It wasn't as easy as I thot. the shape didn't seem right, the colour didn't seem right, fortunately it's my kids who kept giving me words of encouragement, who said that they are nice, ,they are beautiful, it gets better everytime I added colours to Phineas and Ferbs and when I finally did complete them by the afternoon, they gave it a green light and made me felt that Nina would be pleased with it too.
However, i wouldn't be too overjoyed until I saw the reaction on my friend's face and when Yus came in the evening to collect them, with the words, " Satisfied", i let out a sigh of relief....Phew!
But it's not over till the birthday girl herself saw them, then only I would really be contented with my creation knowing that I have made a birthday girl happy
the good news came thru an sms while I was watching the Korean series " Summer Scent" ( when will they admit to one another that they can't live without each other. the story drags on and on I keep on watching, just because , the hero and heroin are beautiful and the sceneries in the series are breathtakingly beautiful ).
"Salam zue, nina punyalah suka! Tak sabar2 nak bwk p sekolah esok kek phineas dia tu. even niza yg kecik tu dah tanya when's her turn gonna be. she wants phineas cake too..."
Okay Yus, like u said, we'll cross the bridge when we reach it.Who knows, come October, she might change her mind for something else plak...Little Einstein ke, Disney Princesses ke, 5 years old kan, like my Batrisyia, who currently tengah suka Tinkerbell and the Disney Princesses and Mickey , and Handy Manny and Digo the Gift Dragon and the list is endless:-) Batrisyia has been asking for her Princess cake also after seeing Tinkerlina that I made for a friend. Her birthday won't be until January next year . Can't wait to try my hands on decorating Barbie's gown using either buttercream or fondant.
In the mean time, my next mission is to create a Princess for an 11 year old who likes Hannah Montana and likes to read.
Thank you so much Yus for supporting my venture and my passion.Like the conversation I had with an old friend this morning, we can only do something and be satisfied with it if we do them with passion and patience. I pray for your dad's speedy recovery, all things happen for a reason, hang in there, insyaallah we shall sail through all the test that is bestowed upon us.
To Nina, Tunku Yusrina, Happy 12th birthday, may all your dreams come true". Aunty wish you all the best in your coming UPSR.