Saturday, July 30, 2011

class on 23rd july 2011

eh! what is she doing there? where are they? One mummy of three kids, the other two, mum and daughter team, all three of them, but they are all so shy shy one......refused to be photographed and i respected their decisions and hence, Batrisyia's photo , here.

nice fondant bracelet

lunch for the day, but not home cooked, unfortunately.... or fortunately...:-)

ooops, patah dah bracelet tu....

aahhh, there it is, my signature dish, ayam masak minagkabau, pagi ni sempat masak satu lauk je because last night was pretty tight.

when Sue first asked for this date, july 23rd, my schedule was free, and so i agreed. I then got one order for six boxes of mini brownies with daisies to be collected early morning and I thought i could do them without jeopardising my class.

however, the previous nights i received a call from hubby's friend who is also my customer, requesting for a wedding cake, to be collected by noon on this particular day, I had to say 'yes' if not, the bride would have no cake on her akad nikah day. as I was making the cakes and brownies and trying to decorate the boxes for the six brownies, i received another call, my regular customer, requesting for a cake and a marble cheese brownies for birthdays. I just couldn't say 'no' but all these 'yes'es only allowed me two hours of sleep before my scheduled class the following day, and hence i only had time to cook one dish.


kak long's ( kak H's daughter )

Kak H's

However, despite the unexpectedly busy night with last minute orders, I managed to not fall asleep during the class, thanks to my lively and jovial students who made the class fun and entertaining. Alhamdulillah, the class went on smoothly, no ice breaking session needed , as we all know one another very well.

thank you Sue, Kak H and daughter for your willingness to share your Saturday with me in my little kitchen.

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