Sunday, July 10, 2011

another srikandi in my kitchen

She voiced out her intention to me long time ago but time and date didn't allow us to be together. She's busy with her work in Penang and sometimes going back home in ipoh and me, the usual , busy with baking, decorating cakes, with children, family , this and that.When I received her sms that day asking for a slot on Sunday, the 3rd, I checked my schedule and it seemed that I was quite free except for the 5th and so I guess spend eight hours with her and started with the kodak film cake later We started minutes after 9.30 am, no ice breaking session needed since we knew each other way back in the 80s, during our secondary school days, she's my senior and her younger sister was my classmates for three years and school mates for five years . just gave her a few minutes to ease upa fter an hour's drive from Penang, talked to my cat Lili for a while ( she has a few cats back home in Penang too )
as usual, everything was hands on and we started with the weighing and mixing the mixture for the vanila cupcakes
time to break the eggs into the butter and sugar mixture kak eda!
one by one okay and don't forget to scrape the sides once in a while

now, time to put the mixture into the cups

cupcakes baked and cooled, hats made, mushrooms checked, handbag, checked, and hence it's time for the grass!

time for lunch, my stomach was growling as I didn't have breakfast this morning, woke up early to prepare the lunch for the day, just a simple home cooked lunch for today, masak lemak cili api ketam and sambal sotong ( which I cooked in the morning ) , sayur campur goreng, and ikan goreng which was prepared just before lunch time ( panas panas baru sedap )

Back to work! Kak Eda duk buat apa tu?

ooohhhh... duk susun cupcakes yang dah siap, time for photo session.
we finished rather early, about 4.30 pm, a really fast learner, I guess we owe it to our SRT class back in our secondary school.....:-)

kak Eda with her cupcakes, to bring back to Penang

thank you Kak Eda sebab sudi datang all the way to my little kitchen , hope you will be able to make the cakes that you plan to make soon.

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