Monday, February 28, 2011

ten pin bowling anyone?

when all pins are down, you call out "Strike:,
twice in a row, Double Strike
three times strike, you call it "turkey"
and four time s strike in a row, you call it " Four Bagger"

when you hit only a few pins on your first throw, you get another chance of throwing the ball at the remaining pins and when you hit the balance, you get a " spare" and make sure that you hit more pins on your next throw, if not you will waste the "spare' points that you would be getting.
it's not that difficult to bowl. just throw that heavy ball, aim it at the ten pins and try to knock them all down in one go. the wrst thing that you could do was get the ball in the drain!

I love bowling. My first experience with bowling, was during my first year studying. during our spare time, we went bowling, I think it was in Romford,went with a few friends and believe it or not, I got a " strike" with my very first throw! pure luck or rather beginner's luck they call it.After that it's either the left 'longkang' or the right 'longkang'.gradually I improved and quite impressive too, with my curved ball....hehhe.....
besides pool, bowling is one of my other favourite games .....We used to bowl almost every weekend

just throw the ball, aim it at the ten pins

and strike!

mmm... not in this case, but at least, bola tak masuk longkang!

When I first got a call for this cake, she didn't mention anything about bowling. All she wanted was a cake for her mum's boss, a very dedicated, commited and hard working Boss. , a male boss. What would I do, how would I decorate the cake? I had no clue when suddenly the sms came, he loved bowling and instantly this picture came to mind, and it made my decorating the cake much easier.
thank you Sya and your mum too and to this dedicated Boss, Happy Birthday, hope yo enjoy the 'bowling' chocolate cake and continue being a nice Boss.


  1. Zue! This is the first time I see this. Holy Smoke! You sure one creative lady, and artistic too, good imagination added.
    Love the colours too...

    How did you manage to do those pins? And ball?
    Ahhhh, trade secret, I guess.
    The last time I bowl was in late 1960s! Never bowled again....
    Not popular here.
    You have fun.....if make a cake with a Harley, send me telegram,ha ha.
    Have a nice day.

  2. Lee! Thank you, se se ni , merci beacoup, are too kind.....

    the pins, the ball, all trial and error, my first time making bowling cake.
    !960s? i was still a baby!! and you have never bowled since?
    Me? love bowling, student days, almost every weekend, bowling and snoooker, love that, nowadays, seldom, very rarely get the chance, maybe one of these days, will bring the kids.
    my customer just picked up the Stitch key 21st birthday cake. Feeling good cos he is so happy looking at Stitch ( his girlfriend likes that blue creature) full story in my next entry,
    to continue watching Kung fu Panda on TV with my daughter, till then,
    ciao! have a nice weekend tomorrow Lee!
