this is the mystery 'cake' , actually chocolate mousse
"dikejar bayang bayang resah,
bila hatimu masih tak berubah"....
the ringing tone ,Relaku Pujuk, by spider, from her blackberry woke her up.
" Ya sayang",
Happy birthday Ma,or was it happy birthday dear, or was it happy birthday sayang?
thank you, is it 12 midnite?
no, it's 3 am.
no wonder she could not really recall what he was saying, it was 3 am and she was half asleep or was it half awake?
what are you doing up?
i was about to go to sleep , just thought I'd call and wish you happy birthday.
Did the girls make you a birthday cake?
erm... did they? I don't know. i had slept here on the sofa since nine o'clock and I heard nothing, no sound of the mixer or the timer, no nothing. yilek, nehi..takdak....
or, did you lock the door?
no, I was sleeping downstairs,
okay, gud nite sayang
love ya
and so now, that she's awake, she had to wake up anyway, she had to make a chocolate cheesecake . that was her plan before she dozed off on the sofa.she had asked her eldest daughter to take out the cream cheese out of the fridge, to leave it at room temperature but most probably , the fatigueness and the tiredness of baking and decorating cakes for the past few days had taken a toll on her, and she slept the minute her head touched the softness and the comfiness of the sofa.zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
thankfully her husband called, if not, she might have disappointed one young customer if she did not make that chocolate cheesecake.
So she went to the kitchen, and jeng jeng jeng, here's what she discovered.
what is this weight machine doing here. This is not its normal place.....hmmmm.She smelled something fishy....

something amiss, where;s her rose fllour jar, it should be in between the cocoa powder and the self raising flour jar. could they really be making a birthday cake for her?there's her jar of rose flour, on the table, with other things, the bicarbonate soda, the big bowl and the strainer.

she was wondering what they were making?
aha...looks like they used the hand held mixer too, with whisk still attached to it, with traces of egg white, could they be making chocolate mousse? or chocolate mousse cake?
let's see if there's anything in the chiller

found it!This, she did not make, therr's no order for oreo chooclate cheesecake that night, and she had not even started on her chocolate cheesecake yet. Could this be the cake that her husband mentioned earlier. Seeing this in her chiller, left a big smile on her face. At 4 am, she started working on her order for the cheesecake, knowing that someone had made her a birthday cake, for the first time, she did not have to make her own birthday cake, not that made one every year.........
She would have to wait till it is chilled properly because according to her daughter, it is called Rich Chocolate mousse..and needs to be cooled for several hours, .hmmm... chocolate mousse, her favourite..till then, she had to continue doing her things, preparing the ingredients for MAG-D, macaroni au gratin daging ( meat with seafood ) and MCB ( marble cheese brownies) for tomorrow.
can't wait to taste that Rich chocolate mousse......yummmmm......