no, it's not Christmas!oopss...wrong song...
Aidil fitri, hari bahgia,
hari yang mulia,
mohon maaf sesamalah kita,
Selamat..selamat Hari Raya...
time of giving, zakat fitrah,
duit raya,
time of sharing, all the kuihs and lemangs and ketupats
time of visiting, to bring the relationship closer
yang jauh kita dekatkan,
yang dekat kita eratkan.
shown here are the result of my first attempts at preparing raya goodies in a box , decorated nicely with nice deco, ribbons and flowers and butterflies. , for they were intended for special people.A daunting and tough challenge but with a little help from a friend whom I have only just known but kind enough to assist me and also a little helping hands from my neighbour and her daughter who offered me their time and assistance., i managed to complete this task on time.
Thank you Linda, Kak Bahyah and Areena.
Two sets were on its way to KL as I was preparing the other 18 sets. these were to be delivered personally by me to the respective recipients.
two types of wooden boxes used to make these "hampers". Never made "hampers" before, let alone an exclusive ones like these ones.
I made sure that the goodies inside were exclusive too. Home made cookies by Zue's Oven, homemade chocolate placed in a three legged bowl with lid decorated with "swaroswski" like stones.
Most importantly, serunding specially imported from the state where famous serunding were made, negeri Cik siti wan Kembang .In addition to that one, traditional kuih, "batang buruk" from Johore.