10th Dec 2011, so many events and functions set on this date, weddings, engagement, birthday, just to name a few,and on this date, we have to be in Pahang.

looks familiar? well, almost, cos it is almost the same to the one I made for my cousin's wedding last september. Actually, the groom wanted yellow and white deco just like the one I made for my other customer but her auntie fell in love with this colourful flower deco,so, guess who won! it was for a function on the 10th dec but the date co-incided with my hubby's aunt's son's wedding in Pahang and thus she had to pick this cake earlier than the intended date.the night before we left for Pahang, just like the two other orders.
after about one week, this was the sms that i received from her a couple of days ago:
"Salam. My nephew said d cake cantik n yummy.He's happy. Tq'
Alhamdulillah, I am so glad he did.Thank you Kak akma for trusting me with your nephew's cake. May his marriage be blessed and be as wonderful as he and his auntie are.

She texted me on the 8th morning, for her engagement ceremony on the 10th. i am afraid that was not possible unless she's willing to have them earlier and if she's willing to take the extra chocolate cupcakes that I made for a birthday order for I was unable to bake any more cakes because i was in the midst of decorating two other orders.it was not really a short notice, it's just that I wouldn't be here to do them. she agreed and thankfully she just wanted a simple deco with purple and white theme.it's such a small world, she's a friend to my friend's daughter whose wedding that we attended in teluk Intan and she's also a friend to my other customer.another thing, she's working in Pahang, exactly where we were going to the next morning, what a co-incidence.

At least, it was six days before the date, 10th dec, and again , I had to tell her to pick them up earlier for i wouldn't be here on that day and she agreed. chocolate cupcakes with Disney cartoon characters, last year it was Spongebob. Thank you Kak Rose.
when all three had collected their cakes, then only I started packing for we planned to leave very early the next morning.