they love going to movies, but I am sure they don't go to ODEON cinema anymore, nowadays, there's the CINEPLEX or GSC, Golden Screen Cinema is it? I think my first experience going to a movie theatre or 'panggung wayang' was during my teenage days and that was the only time! After much persuasion from my best friend in my kampung ( during the school holidays), I said yes. ( let's not count the ones after SPM and during my a Level ).
At that time, ODEON or was it LIDO? was showing the hit musical love story starring Jamal Abdillah and Ogy Ahmad Daud, yup, you guessed it, "AZURA" ,
"nama saya Zakaria bin Puteh, panggil saja Zek", one of the famous lines by Jamal in that movie. here's another one , "Azura dah dapat kerja tau, dekat boutique", Ogy's line
kenangan manis kau dan aku,
takkan terluput,
duri ranjau dalam bercinta,
lumrah dunia,
sayang menyayang
cinta dikenang
perasaan menjadi rindu
ooooo, lihatlah diriku, yang kehilangan,
tanpa kasihmu sayang, siapalah aku.....
waahhh, siap hafal lirik lagi, that was how crazy and absorbed I was at that time, and the dialogues too! let's not get me started with "GREASE", Olivia Newton John and John ravolta, love love that movie and the songs!

dim light just like in the movie theatre, with a few screenings in one day, the theatres are much smaller than the old theatres where they showed only one movie a day, unlike today, where you can choose which movie you want to see first and followed by another one in the next room.

What's a movie without popcorn and drinks! They are a must!
during school days, it was really interesting and fun watching movies, under the sky with the moon and stars above us, open air movie on the netball court and sometimes inside the hall. Of course, we didn't have to queue up for the tickets, just lay a few pieces of paper on the ground, have a few bags of junks and drinks ready , gather round with your buddies and enjoy the " Arjuna Mencari Cinta" or Rano Karno movies , or be scared, really scared with "Penangkal Ilmu Teloh", or "Jaws"and be thrilled with a few James Bond movies
If the movie was shown inside the hall, we made sure that we went to the hall very early with a piece of chalk and marked the floor with our class name on it, 3(1) '81, didn't matter if it was 82 or 83, we were still 3(1)'81.Such wonderful experiences, those school days, after the movie, we would normally hang out at the basketball court and had more fun there, just before saying good nites to each other, leaving for our respective dorms and had our sweet dreams, either dreaming of Rano Karno or some other heroes......:-)

NOW SHOWING "Happy Birthday BOROI" and that is today, March 21st,

"ily", "imy" and 'iny" have meanings . only Sya knows and B to find out and I think he already did

next change, it's a story about a boy named B and a girl named S , they met and fell in love, well, if you wanna know what happens next, just wait for the next screening!
Thank you Sya and Happy birthday Boroi( hope you don't mind me calling you this too!)