my cake for my brother, the reason I went back late and the reason I didn't get my sleep that night but it was worth it.

the reason I came back, nasi kak wok and a cup , or maybe two or three, Nescafe susu, courtesy of, Sri Diah, to go with it, well,,,,,, not the only reason but part of it....main reason, my parents of course....

where's the head?.....
being swallowed by the ceiling?

anak siapa ni....suka no main tangga.....

selalunya bertiga, the two cousins, where's the other one?

love this..... classic tul, tisu gulung di gantung begini,

lagi classic, the hanging tap....
more photos and stories later in my other blog ,cekmekzue or Zue's Oven.....too many
photos and stories