Well... belated is more like it. June 23rd 2008, marks my first venture into this baking and cake decorating world. That makes June 23rd 2012, my fourth year in this wonderful ,blissful,fun and enjoyable world.If this were a baby, born four years ago, she or he could walk by now, running or cycling. My youngest daughter, Batrisyia could even roller blading at this age, gracefully that is. Even when we took her skating at the Sunway Ice Skating ring, a few mothers asked me how old she was, for she skated gracefully and effortlessly on the big ice ring, among the adults and teenagers. I myself was struggling, hanging on to dear life by holding on to the bars on the side of the ring!But I was not alone, i was with my eldest daughter. My son was skating away with his younger sister.

my first article, i sent this just for the fun of it and wasn't expecting that it would be published.If only I knew that it would be published, I would have sent my photo and it could have been me, infront of the oven.....hehe........
Every journey starts with a single step but i didn't know then, that my first step could lead me to where I am now. My first step was to go to the cheesecake demo class. I had been baking cheesecake for years, all through books and friends, never went to the actual baking class and so out of curiousity i paid RM$$ for the class. Just to find out if I was doing it right ( or wrong! ) and i got more than what i bargained for. I did not get the answer to why my plain bake cheesecake cracked, nor did I know that it was supposed to be waterbathed to get a smooth top. The answers to that were through watching the cooking channel on Tv and through reading a few books.

So, where am i now? Still in my kitchen, here in the same house, but cooking utensils and gadgets have increased. from just using a handheld mixer to using the kenwood mixer with stand and bowl.Four years ago, i only hade a few spatulas and one whisk, a few cookies cutters and a few baking trays and tins. Now, more than five spatulas, a few whisks, baking tins of different shapes and sizes, fondant tools , mats, colours, sparkles, brushes, souffle paper cups of diffetent sizes from 2 oz to 3.5 oz.
i started with oreo chocolate cheesecake, plain bake cheesecake and chocolate cake. In between ,
I made chocolate mousse
and biskut batik.
i made and baked sweet things that i like and i want others to enjoy them too. But when they asked what else do i bake? i started introducing new products and sometimes they even asked me for something i had never baked before! I started baking new cakes, brownies, tarts, pies and even some pastas! I googled, I flipped through my collection of cookbooks, I blogwalked, and i tried. from
brownies with walnut,( just dusted with icing sugar)
marble cheese brownies ( this one is with a 2D design of minnie mouse for a birthday celebration)
and blueberry cheesetarts,( as engagement hantaran)
to red velvet cake
rainbow cake.
the latest is the pecan butterscotch cake plus chocolate eclairs and cream puffs.
Baking,decorating,drawing,and writing are all my passion.Combine all of those and I get this blog.
Just a medium to share my thoughts, to keep my photos.
It took me longer to finishthisentry. So many things todo, I guess I'll have to cut this entry short for there are 1001 things to do.
taking this opportunity to thank my family ,friends, relatives and customers for their endless supports, without whom I wouldn't be doing this.