12th day of Ramadhan, time flies and we are already in the second week of our fasting month. Mothers busy looking for new garments ,clothes and shoes for their children,fathers, probably visiting the nearest cars showroom ,to replace the old car with brand new one maybe ,no no, that should be done months earlier because cars are not like shoes or handbags where you can buy them off the shelves,right? They need time to be delivered to you.but I got mine ( last year) on the first day of Ramadhan,just one month before Eid, others celebrate raya with new 'baju' but,me,new,beaming machine on wheels....and that also became my birthday present,and my anniversary gift, last year and this year too!!! but who's complaining.Alhamdulillah, we should always be grateful with what was bestowed upon us.
This one I like,( like only but can't join those crowds...huhu...) those with plenty of RM to spare ( mind you, the price of gold is quite high these days, not like it used to)would flock to the nearest Jewellery stores, Pak H*b*b ke ,P*h K*ng ke, Wan H*ssin ke, doesn't matter what the name of the Goldsmith is. Speaking of high price, one decent looking bracelet which cost say, around RM1000 2-3 years back could easily reach RM3000 or RM4000 nowadays. Seriously!

but hey, there are other options where you can please your loved ones, not only through diamond,gold and bling bling, but in this case, not so much of a loved one but someone equally important, in different ways. Even the most difficult to please mother in law would be smiling or grinning ear to ear, receiving this wonderful basket of home made goodies this coming eid festival.

A basketfull of home made brownies and cookies, three types of each. There are
MCB,marble cheese brownies,
BWW, brownies with walnut and
LB,luxury brownies ( kalau LV kan best..hehe..) and cookies, thefamous ( famous to me! )
CCC, chocolate chip cookies,sweet smelling
SC, semolina /suji cookies and the cookies with all kinds of powders in it, with green tea powder ( the price is like a bomb!! very explosively expensive), ice cream powder, rice flour, corn flour, name whatever flour you like, and they are in the there, none other than the
GT, ice cream green tea cookies.

something simple yet still as delectable and scrumptious, this BWW in small transparent boxes as gifts

Even with just a single ribbon tied around it changed the appeareance and make it presentable and suitable as 'buah tangan'.

Add a simple note with the Hari Raya wishes, complete the final touch of this hamper.
Thank you Nani for making me part of your kind gesture in giving these hampers/basketful of goodness and those mini BWW. Wishing you and family "Selamat Berpuasa ' and a Happy hari Raya.