Monday, September 28, 2009

Thank You

was it too simple or was it too plain? it's for an engagement ceremony so I didn't want it to be too much, just subtle, simple yet sweet . we leave the grand and splendour for the bigger function. that's my opinion, perhaps some people would beg to differ.
'It should turn out differently but due to time constraint and other unforeseen circumstances, this is all I could come up with, very minimal and very basic. However, I had spent numerous hours on the individual casing, each wrapped with TLc and with the very best of intentions.
'this could have been my best effort , but somehow, God knows better. My path was already laid out as it should. It was written that this was the outcome, come what may. Redha dengan ketentuan dan Qada' dan Qadar.Nevertheless I am grateful and thankful for what was and is bestowed upon me cos what I have , comes from the One and Only.
To this sweet young lady, hope everything went well on your special day and wish you the best in everything that you do.......

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