Saturday, May 1, 2010

Marble cheese brownies for a fren and BCT for Qib

originally the date was 25th may but due to her hubby's flight from Belgium was delayed , so she postponed the majlis tahlil for her late mum to 1st may .I decided to bake this MCB for her, while at her house, learned a word or two like 'yaa' for yes and 'ney' for No.
my fav language has to be French, oui? non? merci, au revoir, bonjour, bon soir, bon nuit, parles vous francais? non... a little bit's nice to see you again kak tata, after so many, many, many years
She's in SP but her friends came back for the weekend and their houses are not far from mine so she decided to order this BCT from me.And I received a sweet comment from her in my e-mail this morning.thank you Qib for this order and thank you Anis, Mira and Azza who came to collect the BCT on Qibs behalf.

1 comment:

  1. thanks akak.. hehe.. malu la I.. br sempat bukk belog...

